
Please note that some calls are available in Italian only

Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “ANALISI DI DATI DI METABOLOMICA PER L’IDENTIFICAZIONE DI PATHWAYS BIOLOGICI COINVOLTI NELLA CONDIZIONE DI SHOCK CIRCOLATORI Deadline: 18-03-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “SVILUPPO DI TECNOLOGIE DI PERSONALIZZAZIONE NELL’AMBITO RETAIL” Deadline: 18-03-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “SVILUPPO DI CONTENUTI PER LA COMUNICAZIONE SUPPORTATA DALLE TECNOLOGIE IN AMBITO MULTILINGUISTICO INTERNAZIONALE” Deadline: 18-03-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “APPLICAZIONI DI STREAM REASONING” Deadline: 18-03-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “LE OPPORTUNITÀ DI SVILUPPO DEI MOBILE WALLET IN ITALIA”. Deadline: 17-03-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “UNA COMPARAZIONE DEI CAMBIAMENTI DELLA GOVERNANCE NEL SISTEMA EDUCATIVO TERZIARIO – EFFETTI SULLE PERFORMANCE DI SISTEMA” Deadline: 17-03-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “INNOVAZIONE DIGITALE NELLA PUBBLICA AMMINISTRAZIONE: ANALISI DI CASI ED ESPERIENZE” Deadline: 17-03-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “DECOMMISSIONING NUCLEARE & GESTIONE DEI RIFIUTI, SEPARAZIONE DI RADIONUCLIDI IN RIFIUTI RADIOATTIVI” Deadline: 17-03-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “STUDIO E ANALISI DI SCENARI ENERGETICI NAZIONALI AD ALTA PENETRAZIONE DI RINNOVABILI PER PAESI DEL MEDITERRANEO” Deadline: 14-03-17 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme “SVILUPPO DI METODOLOGIA E MODELLI PER L’ANALISI DEI CONSUMI ENERGETICI E LA SOSTENIBILITÀ AMBIENTALE NEGLI EDIFICI Deadline: 14-03-17 Go to grant